Behind the Design: Vision

Behind the Design: Vision

Posted by Kate Kelley on

There was a time not too long ago when the world changed. People were on lockdown, dreams put on hold, travel and adventure was a hope for "one day" in the future. Being forced to stay inside caused many people to explore new forms of entertainment just to keep the boredom at bay. 
It was during this time that some people thrived and one of those was German artist and designer, Anna. Creative at a young age, Anna started to explore photo manipulation and had mastered Photoshop by age 12. However, it wasn't until the pandemic that she started to dabble in drawing. Armed with a stylist and her ipad, Anna started to put her feelings and ideas into visual art. 
Vision was originally a simple illustration to convey her feeling of wanderlust while in lockdown. Since Anna was new to drawing, she hadn't quite found a medium for her drawings. It wasn't until she found another hobby in mechanical keyboards and deskmats that she found her niche. Combining the two hobbies just clicked. 
Now Anna, along with her boyfriend, have expanded their designs and artistry into a full website. If you're looking for design work, social media management, or keyboard related content check out her website at Ocean Setups or her Instagram account @ocean.setups. If you're dreaming of adventure at your desk pick up your Vision mat to bring your wanderlust to fruition. 
Lockdown image retrieved from: FreePik

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